Dear friends!
On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress I congratulate you on Rosh Hashanah — 5776 new year on the Jewish calendar. Our good deeds last year, has brought us closer and strengthened in the conviction that our Congress takes its rightful place in the international Jewish community.
Despite new challenges and crises facing the world and we Jews, we have managed to retain responsibility for the unity of our people. Together with the World Jewish Congress we reaffirmed our solidarity with the Jewish State, and did everything in order to make communities and organizationsof our region fullof a real Jewish life.
I wish you all prosperity in the coming year, let your homes will settle joy! May you be preserved from the trouble, turmoil and adversity, happiness and love will fill your families! Peace and kindness in the coming year! Let your names and the names of your loved ones be inscribed in the Book of Life!
Shana Tova umetuka — good and sweet year!