“With an upsurge in Sweden of violent and anti-Semitic behavior linked to political extremism, the authorities must step up protection around Jewish sites,” said WJC President Ronald S. Lauder. “We thank Swedish authorities for their close communication with the Jewish community and their willingness to address these issues.”
Lena Posner-Korosi, president of the Council of Swedish Jewish Communities, a WJC affiliate, said that the Swedish government had expressed concern and eagerness to act, and that parliamentarians and ministers were meeting today on the issue with the head of the Swedish Secret Police.
The high school, where three classes of Jewish students study Hebrew and Jewish studies, was defaced sometime early Monday morning with graffiti in Swedish, including swastikas, the words “Jewish swine” and “disgusting Jews,” and the number 1488, which is a symbol for white power and the Nazi greeting “Heil Hitler.” Other nearby high schools also were painted with swastikas, according to Ms. Posner-Korosi.