Estonian Christian Democrats Denounce Statement of the Country's Foreign Ministry
Estonian Christian Democrats Denounce Statement of the Country's Foreign Ministry
The Estonian Christian Democrats party spread a statement yesterday, which contained a protest against the declaration on the situation in Israel and Gaza by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Democrats' statement was signed by the party's Chairman Peeter Vosy. The Statement of the country's Foreign Ministry was published on the Delfi portal on January 7.
"Israel has a right and an obligation to defend itself and its nation from attacks by the international terrorist organization Hamas, which has fired over 6500 rockets and mortars at Israel during the last three years," reads the party's statement.
"People in the town of Sderot haven't spent a day in the last three years without running into shelters on hearing the siren's warning about a rocket attack. People are given 15 seconds to save their lives.
During the Egypt-mediated truce that lasted from 19th of June to 18th of December, the Hamas Islamist terrorist group bought a huge amount of Grad missiles that put 900,000 Israelis under constant rocket attacks.
With these rockets, kindergartens, schools, homes and other civil buildings have been destroyed in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Beer Sheva and other big cities.
Denouncing Israel in a situation like this is an unethical, unfair action and a favor for the terrorists who attack Israel and who are the ones that deserve denounciation," reads the statement.
"Concerning the attack on UN school in Jebaliya, addressed in the Ministry’s statement, the terrorists opened fire at IDF unit from there. In this attack two major Hamas leaders, Immad Abu Iskar and Hassan Abu Iskar were killed. During Israel's counterattack, an ammunition warehouse, which had been situated in the school6, exploded (Message by Israeli Foreign Office of January 7, 2008). Terrorists often use civilians as shield, and they are responsible for their deaths.
We find it regrettable that the mass media cover the Middle Eastern conflict unilaterally, which naturally affects the public opinion in European countries, including Estonia. If humanitarian problems are discussed, it is always regarding Gaza, but never Israel. Casualties and destruction are covered in the same manner. International media totally ignore the constant attacks against Israel. European countries do not collect money to help the children of Sderot, who have to save their lives in bomb shelters day after day.
Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls the sides to a truce. Is it possible to sign a truce with an organization whose goal is the destruction of Israel? During the last truce Hamas gained enough weapons to kill almost a million Israeli citizens. The situation will not improve until Israel destroys Hamas' weapon resources.
It is not necessary to put pressure on Israel to achieve piece. Israel has always wished to live in peace with its neighbors in Gaza. For that cause Israel evacuated 9000 of its citizens from Gaza in August 2005, paid for their resettlement and pulled its army out of the Gaza Strip. If Hamas stops attacks on Israel, peace will be restored.
Because Europe has 'closed its eyes' at the events on the border of Gaza and Egypt, the terrorists had the possibility to rearm themselves. Now the European Union should honestly analyze the reasons of the conflict escalation.
It is unfair to treat the state of Israel and a terrorist organization Hamas as 'fighting sides.' One could equally well call police and criminals in any country 'fighting sides' and call for a truce between them.
Estonia and the rest of the world should denounce and eliminate the Hamas terrorist organization without preconditions. This would be the only real possibility to achieve peace in the region."