Over 500 Repatriates to Arrive in Israel by the End of December.
Over 500 new repatriates from Russia, the USA, England and South Africa will arrive in Israel by the end of the year. They will be brought to Ben Gurion airport by 6 charter flights.
On Tuesday, December 23, a flight with 100 repatriates from Russia is expected. The newcomers will take part in the Chanukah ceremony arranged by the Jewish Agency.
The participants of the NAALE program from Russia are to arrive with the repatriates. Additionally, around 400 repatriates from English-speaking countries will arrive in Israel by the end of December.
Hundreds of repatriate families will participate in various repatriation programs of JAFI, including the special program for engineers in Negev, the Ulpan Kibbutz project, community absorption programs in Israeli cities, et cetera.