The only synagogue on the Greek Island of Crete caught fire for the second time in ten days, in what is believed to be an arson attack.
An early Saturday morning fire at the Etz Hayyim synagogue in the city of Hania destroyed the roof of the building as well as scores of books.
Two fire engines and five fire fighters arrived on the scene and took two hours to get the fire under control.
The fire brigade is investigating the cause of the fire, and has not ruled out arson.
The synagogue was already seriously damaged in a Jan. 5 arson attack, which destroyed some 30 antique Turkish carpets and the synagogue's extensive library. The arsonists reportedly climbed over the synagogue's iron gate and made an improvised firebomb using stuffing from a couch in the synagogue's mikveh to ignite a canister filled with flammable liquid.
Until 1999 Etz Hayyim was a desecrated house of prayer that remained the sole Jewish monument on the Island of Crete after the destruction of the Jewish community in 1944 by the Nazis. From 1996 until its re-dedication in 1999, the structure had been painstakingly restored.
The Jews of Crete are first mentioned in the Second Maccabees. This city came into administrative prominence during Hellenistic times and attracted artisans and technicians from Alexandria. It is likely that the members of this early Jewish community were originally from Egypt.
Damage in the second attack is estimated at $43,000 since the wooden roof was completely destroyed.
Synagogue director Nikos Stavroulakis said that four computers as well as 300 CDs and cassette tapes of Jewish music were also destroyed.